Havensight Capital Launches Mongo Mobile.com 5G Wireless Carrier

CHARLOTTE, U.S. Virgin Islands, March 3, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Havensight Capital L.L.C. is a U.S.V.I. based Investment Firm, and recently launched its 5G mobile carrier, Mongo Mobile.  The carrier has a site at mongomobile.com.  Further, Mongo Mobile offers premium wireless plans, at a discount to its competitors, with no hidden fees.  It also allows Customers to roll over their existing phone number, and utilize any smartphone.  The Company is also offering, Franchise store opportunities to sedulous and customer driven entrepreneurs.  Only a very limited amount of investment is required from such a plenipotentiary.   Also, an endorsement from a major World renown celebrity for the Mongo Mobile 5G service, is expected to be announced soon. 

Mr. Benjamin Woodhouse, Director of Havensight Capital L.L.C. stated, “we are excited about the launch of Mongo Mobile, it capitalizes on the success of India Mobile Warehouse.com, and allows us to serve all Americans, with premium 5G service at a fraction of the cost of other providers.  Much like the mellifluous sounds, and tastes of the U.S. Virgin Islands, Mongo Mobile allows, all, to enjoy, in the effervescence of prodigious interconnectivity.”  Finally, Mongo Mobile is also currently building relationship with regional telecoms across the U.S. and empowering the Leaders of smaller Telecoms, to bring 5G service to their respective Customers.  A number of Indigenous American Tribal Leaders are also exploring, joining such an opportunity.

Havensight Capital L.L.C. is no stranger to marketing consumer products.  It owns and operates, all of the following: The Super Mall of Websites.com, St. Thomas F.c. global sports brand, India Mobile Warehouse.com, Coffee Ostrich medical response products company, and CreditCard2Cash.com, in addition to Mongo Mobile.  Moreover, Havensight Capital is also the steward of the U.S.V.I. Asia Chamber of Commerce, which has a site at usviasiachamber.com.  Any interested parties can, either, schedule a Zoom call, or, request further information, at [email protected]    

Mr. Benjamin Woodhouse
805 478 1958

SOURCE Havensight Capital L.L.C.