WASHINGTON, Jan. 4, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — New Light Technologies (NLT), a leading provider of integrated science, technology, and mission support, has been awarded a 5-year contract with the Center for Domestic Preparedness (CDP) to enhance the delivery of training and exercises through the development and integration of new web-based mapping, geospatial, and analytical capabilities.
The CDP provides advanced hands-on all-hazards training to emergency responders from across federal, state, local, tribal, territorial governments, as well as international and private sector organizations on a fee for service basis.
Located in Anniston, Alabama, the CDP offers unique federally chartered facilities for training responders for real-world incidents involving chemical, biological, explosive, radiological, and other hazardous materials. At its Chemical, Ordnance, Biological, and Radiological Training Facility (COBRATF), the center offers the only civilian training program for toxic chemical agents and biological materials. The Advanced Responder Training Complex (ARTC) prepares responders for a range of man-made and natural hazards in urban and common community settings. The Noble Training Facility is the only US hospital offering disaster training for healthcare professionals including exercise and simulation areas, an emergency operations center, clinical ward, and an isolation ward for ‘patients’ with highly infectious diseases.
In support of the contract, NLT will develop and host an interoperable cloud-based platform to deliver online mapping and visualization tools that enable highly interactive multi-user exercise and simulation capabilities for CDP instructors and students for the first time.
"Modern web, geospatial, and data visualization software enables us to see the world and phenomena in three dimensions and in real-time. By integrating these capabilities, the CDP will be able to develop more realistic exercises and provide responders a range of new tools to understand dynamic threats as they unfold over time and space," says NLT Program Manager Rob Pitts.
NLT’s robust managed service offering (MSO) and unique expertise delivering web-based decision-support systems for all-hazards preparedness and response missions at FEMA will enable the center to accelerate modernization and enhance training capacity to prepare the nation for the most challenging threats.
About New Light Technologies
New Light Technologies Inc. (NLT) is a leading provider of integrated science, technology, and mission services with over 20 years of experience serving government and commercial organizations. Offering renowned expertise in cloud, agile software development, cybersecurity, data science, geospatial and remote sensing, NLT provides comprehensive consulting, research, digital transformation services, and fit-for-purpose analytics solutions for a range of industries from emergency management to economics to health. NLT offers distinctive capabilities in the delivery of secure cloud-native platforms and web-based decision support tools and has pioneered predictive disaster risk analytics in support of FEMA and homeland security missions. To learn more visit www.NewLightTechnologies.com.
Media contact:
Robert Pitts
SOURCE New Light Technologies