AUSTIN, Texas, March 17, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — The Texas Blockchain Council announces the release of the Legislator’s Toolkit for Blockchain Technology – Texas Edition. The Texas Blockchain Council was proud to partner with the Chamber of Digital Commerce to develop the toolkit, which provides an overview of blockchain technology; information about the economic and job growth implications of blockchain; and Texas-specific public policy recommendations to promote development of the blockchain industry in Texas.
Technologists and innovators consistently underestimate the importance of educating the public, elected officials and policymakers as they build companies that harness emerging technologies. Many times, these innovations have tangential or direct implications for government agencies, business law, or other public sector functions. These lessons have not been lost on the Chamber of Digital Commerce or the Texas Blockchain Council, nonprofit trade associations dedicated to educating lawmakers about blockchain technology and assisting with the development of responsible legislation to govern its use. The CDC and TBC do not advocate for a specific platform or company, but for the adoption of blockchain technology as a tool for promoting flourishing communities through the more transparent and efficient transfer and recordation of value.
The mission of the Texas Blockchain Council is to make Texas the jurisdiction of choice for blockchain innovation. To that end, four bills supported by the Council are currently filed for consideration by the Texas State Legislature’s 87th Session. We are grateful for the support of a bi-partisan group of legislators who are championing these bills.
The foundational piece of legislation—H.B. 1576—would require the state of Texas to assemble a Blockchain Work Group to assess the existing blockchain industry in the state; identify economic growth opportunities; review workforce development and academic programs required to build blockchain expertise across industries; and make any legislative recommendations that promote innovation and economic growth by reducing barriers to and expediting the expansion of the state’s blockchain industry.
To find out more about the Texas Blockchain Council, visit
To inquire about becoming a member of the TBC, send us a note.
To support our policy work, please consider donating.
For press inquiries, please contact: Natalie Smolenski, (972) 358-5542,
SOURCE Texas Blockchain Council